Saturday, October 18, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

I had to wake up early today (a day when we did not have school due to a teacher professional day) and go in to play practice (I'm in the play at school) from 6:30 AM till 2 PM then I had to study for my two college tests I have on monday, then I went to my friend's sweet sixteen (which was AMAZING) at 8 and just got back around 1 AM. So i'm dead tired. I can't write anything tonight, so tommorow I'll write one for today (which will probably be dedicated to rita, my now 16 year old friend) and one for tommorow. On a random note, I'm obsessed with Counting Crows right now (the band not the action, all though I do also find that fascinating.)
Much love,
Riley J.

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